Reference case

Magaly De Bruyne is amazed by the family feel of the logistics and maritime industry

1 June 2022
  • The war for talent
  • Identifying every candidate's intrinsic motivation
  • A good recruiter combines speed and quality

Magaly De Bruyne, a consultant at TriHD, offers support in several areas of HD, such as talent acquisition, payroll, compensation & benefits, learning & development and business partnering. "We offer a diverse range of services. TriHD takes our growth path as a consultant very seriously", she says. "That means we are encouraged to take on projects for which we might lack a little practical experience but would like to add to our skillset. Obviously, this is always with the client's consent and with the option of taking extra internal courses or guidance from a mentor."

War for talent

De Bruyne got a master's in Multilingual Communication in English and French. At TriHD she has taken her first steps into the logistics and maritime industry. Between May and December 2021 she was at the MSC shipping company in the port of Antwerp. "The coronavirus crisis took the war for talent to a new height. At MSC the challenge was not just to learn the business and industry quickly, but to fill vacancies as soon as possible in this competitive labour market."


MSC was focusing on talent acquisition and recruitment, and on employer branding. "My aim was to broaden my knowledge of the HR aspects as far as possible in the shortest possible time", she says. "Speed and quality are what it is all about for me. After nine months I got to sink my teeth into my second project."


Since 4 January 2022 she has been delivering her services for Manuchar, a prominent distributor of chemicals in emerging markets, headquartered in Antwerp. "At Manuchar I go looking for IT profiles that are capable of future-proofing the computer systems", she tells us.

"The port industry has always fascinated me", she continues. "My father used to work in the port of Antwerp. I actually live in the centre of Antwerp. When TriHD invited me to start working at MSC and Manuchar, it was a no-brainer."


De Bruyne has encountered a warm, family feel in the maritime and logistics industry. "It's a cliché, but it’s spot on. At MSC and Manuchar they put their hearts and souls into their work", she says. "A passion for the industry gets you accepted into the 'family' pretty quickly, and that has a strong pull on the candidates."

One thing more

She is passionate about her job. "You learn an awful lot by going to different businesses and gathering knowledge about their industries and work methods. You take stuff away with you from every client, which you can use for another client later", she says. "We do 'the one thing more' and aim to make a difference for every new client. It is also a brilliant way to extend your network, and you are surrounded by new colleagues who become good acquaintances and even friends."

Listening ear

She tells us that a good recruiter is one who lends a listening ear. "Candidates often tell me that at long last they feel as if someone is listening", she says. "I believe in going into an interview as a human being, not as a face with a checklist trying to hit the jackpot. Intrinsic motivation is what counts, more than set criteria."

The coronavirus crisis took the war for talent to a new height

Magaly De Bruyne, Human Development Consultant at Manuchar in Antwerp