Event 30/05/2024

#ZigZagHR ZoHRo awards

16 February 2024

After an overwhelming first edition in 2023, with over 400 HR professionals, 2 inspiring keynote speakers, 6 proud winners of a #ZigZagHR ZoHRo Award, #ZigZagHR organizes the second edition of the #ZigZagHR ZoHRo Awards on May 30th.

TriHD as Award Partner

We are very proud to be an Award Partner of this year's ZoHRo awards. We've chosen to sponsor the new Learnatic of the Year award, as it matches our DNA.

The Learnatic of the Year award is for those organizations that encourage curiosity and learning in various HR processes. A 'continuous learning' organization at heart.

We are very excited to hand over the award on May 30th!

Practical information

What to expect? 

15u00 – Doors are open
16u00 – Keynotes
18u30 – Apero & networking
19u30 – #ZigZagHR ZOHRO Awards, including dinner
21u30 – Afterworkparty with dj Jordi Ruz (Tomorrowland)
01u00 – End

Location: Nekkerbox Mechelen, Plattebeekstraat 1, Mechelen

Discount: use this code to receive a 10% discount - TriHDZoHRo